RP2E INRA Université de Lorraine

Getting off the right foot: Integration of spatial distribution of genetic variability for aquaculture development and regulations, the European perch case

Aquaculture, 521, 734981 (pp. 1-11).

Toomey, L., Dellicour, S., Vanina, T., Pegg, J., Kaczkowski, Z., Kouril, J., Teletchea, F., Blaha, M., Fontaine, P., Lecocq, T.


Knowledge of spatial genetic variability patterns allows improving conservation actions, translocation regula-
tions, and farming productivity. However, these genetic variability patterns are often considered after issues are
observed, long after the beginning of production. By taking into account lessons from other species, we in-
vestigate the genetic variability of Perca ?uviatilis, a species at a nascent stage of production. The genetic
variability has been previously studied but, due to discrepancies between conclusions and methodological limits,
the spatial distribution of genetic variability in P. ?uviatilis has not been demonstrated conclusively. Here, we
characterise the genetic variability across 84 West-Palaearctic sampling sites using mitochondrial and micro-
satellite markers. We aim to provide (i) a genetically-based population structure that could act as an impetus for
further production improvement and (ii) guidelines for translocation regulations. Our analyses show an uneven
distribution of genetic variability. Based on inter-populational genetic di?erentiation, we identify ?ve large
geographic scale clusters which are further divided into several subgroups. Local genetic diversity mapping
highlights a spatial pattern with several hotspots, which has serious implications in the development of ap-
propriate regulations of translocations. Moreover, we here report an association between genetic di?erentiations
and previously reported zootechnical performances. We ultimately propose guidelines for further investigations
of population-speci?c performances in aquaculture and potentially e?cient regulations for policy-makers.

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