Aquaculture Europe 2017, 17-20 octobre, Dubrovnik, Croatie
Colchen, T., Ledore, Y., Hmila, S., Gisbert, E., Zarski, D., Pasquet, A., Fontaine, P.
Pikeperch has gained attention as a promising new species in intensive fish farming (Nyina-wamwiza et al. 2005) with great economic potential (Kestemont et al., 2015). Until now several bottlenecks have prevented the success of larval rearing. Three major bottlenecks have been identified to be: (1) high mortality mainly due to cannibalism, (2) high occurence of deformities and (3) large size heterogeneity between larval cohorts at various ontogenic development stages. As consequence pikeperch larval rearing is related to very variable performances. In fact, a larval rearing system is complex and numerous factors influence larval development as well as behavior and survival (Kestemont et al., 2003). These factors can be gathered in three groups: environmental, nutritional and populational factors. These complexities explain the important diversity observed in the different larval rearing protocols used (Hamza et al., 2007; Szkudlarek and Zakes 2007; Lund and Steenfeldt, 2011; Ljubobratovi? et al., 2015; Król and Zak??, 2016). Such variability is also present in farm conditions. In order to standardize the protocol for larval rearing taking into account the complexity of the stakes, the use of multifactorial approaches appears particularly adapted to determine the optimal combination of factors (Gardeur et al., 2007), which could give the best growth, survival and development of pikeperch larvae over the nursery period.
Materials and methods
Three successive experiments were conducted over the period 2015-2017 to study the effects of the major environmental, nutritional and populational factors. For each trial, pikeperch larvae were supplied after hatching by the SARL Asialor (France) and distributed in eight tanks (700 L) from an indoor water recirculated system. During the first experiment, four environmental factors were tested: light intensity (5 and 50 lx); water renewal rate (water renewal rates of 50 or 100% per hour); water current direction in the tank (up-flow or down-flow) and cleaning doing at two different periods of times (in the morning, just after the first feeding or in the evening before the last feeding of the day). During the second experiment, four nutritional factors were studied: beginning of weaning (10 days or 16 days post-hatching, dph), method of food distribution (discontinuous feeding with 7 meals day-1 vs continuous feeding over the lighting period), co-feeding (implementing or not a co-feeding, 3.5 g day-1 6 days before the weaning period, Larviva Pro-wean, BioMar) and weaning duration (3 or 9 days). The third experiment concerned four populational factors: initial larvae density (50 or 100 larvae L-1), sorting out fish jumpers (yes or no), sibling or not sibling populations (one spawn or mixed of two spawns hatched the same day) and female weight (2.5 kg vs 3.3 kg). A fractional factorial experimental design (24-1) of resolution IV was used for each experiment to study simultaneously the effect of these four factors and their possible interactions. For all experiments, photoperiod was fixed: 12h of light and 12h of darkness (Hamza et al., 2007) with a progressive increase of light intensity (from 0 to 5 or 0 to 50 lx) from 7:30 to 8:00 am and a decrease of light intensity (from 50 or 5 to 0 lx) from 7:30 to 8:00 pm. Water temperature was maintained at 20°C in all tanks (Kestemont et al., 2007; Szkudlarek and Zakes, 2007). Dissolved oxygen was maintained above 6 mg L-1. Every week, from four days post hatching (dph), larvae were sampled in each tank. Total length and body weight were measured.
Considering the environmental factors, we recommend to apply a light intensity of 50 lx, a water renewal rate of 100%, a cleaning of the tank during the afternoon and an inlet of the water at the bottom level. The second experiment showed that a later onset and longer duration of weaning followed by discontinuous feeding improve larval survival, growth and reduce deformities in pikeperch populations. The third experiment suggests an improvement of juvenile pikeperch production using initial high larvae density supplied by bigger females.
Discussion and conclusion
Progressively the rearing protocol for pikeperch larval rearing was improved, an optimal combination of factors was determined. It allows the production of 5000 juveniles (1.0-1.4 g, 50 dph) per tank with swim bladder inflation rate of 90-95%.
Aquaculture, 596 (2), pp. --741903.
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Chevalier, C., Denis, C., Nedjar, S., Ledore, Y., Silvestre, F., Schaerlinger, B., Milla, S.
Scientific Reports, 14 (article), 21036, pp 1-14
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Golshan, M., Alavi, S.M.H., Hatef, A., Kazori, N., Socha, M., Milla, S., Sokololowska-mikolajczyk, M., Unniappan, S., Butts, I.A.E., Linhart, O.
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Kleiber, A., Roy, J., Brunet, V., Baranek, E., Le-calvez, J.M., Kerneis, T., Batard, A., Calvez, S., Pineau, L., Milla, S., Guesdon, V., Calandreau, L., Colson, V.
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Reviews in Aquaculture, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp. 1374-1394.
Lecocq, T., Amoussou, N., Aubin, J., Butruille, G., Liarté, S., Pasquet, A., Thomas, M.
Annals of Animal Science, 24 (-), pp. 1-16.
Mohammadzadeh, S., Zaretabar, A., Ahmadifar, E., Khajeh, A., Moghadam, M.S., Milla, S.
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Colchen, T., Ledore, Y., Fontaine, P., Teletchea, F., Pasquet, A.
Theriogenology, 202, pp. 61-73.
El Mohajer, L., Chevalier, C., Chardard, D., Schaerlinger, B., Fontaine, P., Milla, S.
Aquaculture, 562 (-), 738851, pp. 1-10.
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Mamy, L., Pesce, S., Sanchez, W., Aviron, S., Bedos, C., Berny, P., Bertrand, C., Betoulle, S., Charles, S., Chaumot, A., Coeurdassier, M., Coutellec, M.A., Crouzet, O., Faburé, J., Fritsch, C., Gonzalez, P., Hedde, M., Leboulanger, C., Margoum, C., Mougin, C., Munaron, D., Nélieu, S., Pelosi, C., Rault, M., Sucré, E., Thomas, M., Tournebize, J., Leenhardt, S.
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Fishes, 8 (5), 219 (pp. 1-16).
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Stokes, A., Bocquého, G., Carrere, P., Salazar, R.C., Deconchat, M., Garcia, L., Gardarin, A., Gary, C., Gaucherel, C., Gueye, M., Hedde, M., Lescourret, F., Mao, Z., Quérou, N., Rudi, G., Salles, J.-M., Soubeyran, R., Subervie, J., Vialatte, A., Vinatier, F., Thomas, M.
Aquaculture Reports, 27, 101349.
Amoussou, N., Lecocq, T., Fourrier, C., Nivelle, R., Fleck, C., Fontaine, P., Pasquet, A., Thomas, M.
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Amoussou, N., Thomas, M., Pasquet, A., Lecocq, T.
Theriogenology, 185, pp. 127-133
Bernath, G., Milla, S., Varkonyi, L., Ledore, Y., Griffits, J.D., Fontaine, P., Urbanyi, B., Bokor, Z.
Aquaculture, 550, 737825, pp. 1-12.
Brunet, V., Kleiber, A., Patinote, A., Sudan, P.-L., Duret, C., Gourmelen, G., Moreau, E., Fournel, C., Pineau, L., Calvez, S., Milla, S., Colson, V.
PLoS ONE, 17 (8), pp. e0272508
Butruille, G., Thomas, M., Pasquet, A., Amoussou, N., Toomey, L., Rosenstein, A., Chauchard, S., Lecocq, T.
Aquaculture, 546, 737315
El Mohajer, L., Bulteau, R., Fontaine, P., Milla, S.
Animals, 12 (2), 208, (pp. 1-11).
Knowles, J., Vysloužil, J., Policar, T., Milla, S., Holická, M., Podhorec, P.
Aquaculture, 561, 738701 (pp. 1-13).
Mohammadzadeh, S., Ahmadifar, E., Masoudi, E., Milla, S., El-Shall, N.A., Alagawany, M., Emran, T.B., Michalak, I., Dhama, K.
Reviews in Aquaculture, 15 (4), pp. 1260-1266
Senff, P., Bassmann, B., Kaiser, F., Harbach, H., Robin, C., Fontaine, P.
Aquaculture, 559. 738438
Thomas, M., Amoussou, N., El Manfaloti, M., Fleck, C., Ledore, Y., Pasquet, A., Lecocq, T.
Applied Sciences, 12 (7), 3674, pp.1-12
Thomas, M., Reynaud, J-G., Ledore, Y., Pasquet, A., Lecocq, T.
Animals, 12 (9), 1178. (pp. 1-16).
Tsaparis, D., Lecocq, T., Kyriakis, D., Oikonomaki, K., Fontaine, P., Tsigenopoulos, C.
Cybium, 46 (4), pp. 415-424.
Viana, J., Briand, E., Perrin, L., Gustave, E., Audet, C., Teletchea, F.
Aquaculture Reports, 22, 101001 (pp. 1-9).
Yeganeh, S., Mohammadzadeh, S., Moradian, F., Milla, S.
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 47(4), 881-894
El Mohajer, L., Bulteau, R., Chevalier, C., Selmi, S., Fontaine, P., Milla, S.
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 47(3):703-711
Golpour, A., Broquard, C., Milla, S., Dadras, H., Baloch, A.R., Saito, T., Psenicka, M.
Animal Frontiers, 11 (3), pp. 69-77.
Lecocq, T., Toomey, L.
Aquaculture research, 52 (12), pp.6046-6051.
Ledore, Y., Bestin, A., Haffray, P., Morvezen, R., Alix, M., Schaerlinger, B., Fontaine, P., Chardard, D.
Functional Ecology, 35 (3), pp. 739-752.
Martinet, B., Zambra, E., Przybyla, K., Lecocq, T., Anselmo, A., Nonclercq, D., Rasmont, P., Michez, D., Hennebert, E.
Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries, 1 (1), pp. 51-59.
Milla, S., Khendek, A., Zarski, D., Ledore, Y., Ben Ammar, I., Fontaine, P.
Reviews in Aquaculture, 13(1), pp. 388-405
Milla, S., Pasquet, A., El Mohajer, L., Fontaine, P.
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 47(4), pp. 951-960.
Mohammadzadeh, S., Milla, S., Ahmadifar, E., Karimi, M., Dawood, M.A.O.
Aquaculture, 533, 736108 (pp. 1-17)
Mohammadzadeh, S., Yeganeh, S., Moradian, F., Milla, S., Falahatkar, B.
Animal Frontiers, 11 (3), pp. 87-91.
Teletchea, F.
Biological Reviews, 96 (2), pp. 767-784.
Thomas, M., Pasquet, A., Aubin, J., Nahon, S., Lecocq, T.
BMC Ecology and Evolution, 21 (-), pp. 1-14, 206.
Toomey, L., Dellicour, S., Kapusta, A., Zarski, D., Buhrke, F., Milla, S., Fontaine, P., Lecocq, T.
Aquaculture, 530, 735807 (pp. 1-8).
Toomey, L., Lecocq, T., Pasquet, A., Fontaine, P.
Animal, 15(9) 100340 (pp. 1-10).
Zarski, D., Krol, J., Ledore, Y., Sarosiek, B., Dryl, K., Gomulka, P., Palinska-Zarska, L., Toomey, L., Fontaine, P., Milla, S.
Genomics, 113 (6), pp. 3811-3826.
Zarski, D., Le Cam, A., Frohlich, T., Kosters, M., Klopp, C., Nynca, J., Ciesielski, S., Sarosiek, B., Dryl, K., Montfort, J., Krol, J., Fontaine, P., Ciereszko, A., Bobe, J.
Les 4 pages du LOTERR, 9 (-), pp. 1-4.
Drogue, G., Durand, E., Gustave, E., Seconde, J.-F., Teletchea, F.
Scientific reports, 10, 2650 (pp. 1-10).
Baekelandt, S., Milla, S., Cornet, V., Flamion, E., Ledore, Y., Redivo, B., Antipine, S., Mandiki, S.N.M., Houndji, A., El kertaoui, N., Kestemont, P.
Fish Physiol Biochem, 46 (1), pp. 89-102.
Ben Ammar, I., Milla, S., Ledore, Y., Teletchea, F., Fontaine, P.
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 51 (3), pp. 578-633.
Boyd, C.E., D’abramo, L.R., Glencross, B.D., Huyben, D.C., Juarez, L.M., Lockwood, G.S., Mcnevin, A.A., Tacon, A.G.J., Teletchea, F., Tomasso, J.R., Tucker, C.S., Valenti, W.C.
Systematics and Biodiversity, 18 (1), pp. 12-28.
Brasero, N., Martinet, B., Michez, D., Lecocq, T., Valterová, I., Rasmont, P.
Journal of Fish Biology, 96 (6), pp. 1463-1474.
Colchen, T., Dias, A., Gisbert, E., Teletchea, F., Fontaine, P., Pasquet, A.
Aquaculture Reports, 17, 100337 (pp 1-10).
Colchen, T., Gisbert, E., Krauss, D., Ledore, Y., Pasquet, A., Fontaine, P.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 224, 104947 (pp 1-10).
Colchen, T., Gisbert, E., Ledore, Y., Teletchea, F., Fontaine, P., Pasquet, A.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4 (109), pp. 1-15.
Dumont, B., Puillet, L., Martin, G., Savietto, D., Aubin, J., Ingrand, S., Niderkorn, V., Steinmetz, L., Thomas, M.
Zoologica Scripta, 49 (2), pp. 187-196.
Lecocq, T., Biella, P., Martinet, B., Rasmont, P.
Scientific Reports, 10, 19732 (pp. 1-13)
Lecointre, G., Schnell, N., Teletchea, F.
Protein Expression Purification, 166, 105510 (pp. 1-10).
Mohammadzadeh, S., Moradian, F., Yeganeh, S., Falahatkar, B., Milla, S.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D, 36, 100747
Roche, J., Hergalant, S., Depp, A., Ben Ammar, I., Lafont, A.-G., Policar, T., Fontaine, P., Milla, S.
Database, - (-), pp. 1-17
Teletchea, S., Teletchea, F.
Aquaculture Reports, 17 (1), 100333 (pp. 1-6).
Thomas, M., Lecocq, T., Abregal, C., Nahon, S., Aubin, J., Jaeger, C., Wilfart, A., Schaeffer, L., Ledore, Y., Puillet, L., Pasquet, A.
Aquaculture, 521, 734981 (pp. 1-11).
Toomey, L., Dellicour, S., Vanina, T., Pegg, J., Kaczkowski, Z., Kouril, J., Teletchea, F., Blaha, M., Fontaine, P., Lecocq, T.
Reviews in Aquaculture, 12 (4), pp. 2212-2227.
Toomey, L., Fontaine, P., Lecocq, T.
Scientific Reports, 10, 11564 (pp. 1-11).
Toomey, L., Lecocq, T., Bokor, Z., Espinat, L., Ferincz, A., Goulon, C., Vesala, S., Baratcabal, M., Barry, M.D., Gouret, M., Gouron, C., Staszny, A., Mauduit, E., Mean, V., Muller, I., Schlick, N., Speder, K., Thumerel, R., Piatti, C., Pasquet, A., Fontaine, P.
Fish Shellfish Immunol., 101, pp. 143-151.
Zarski, D., Ben Ammar, I., Bernath, G., Baekelandt, S., Bokor, Z., Palinska-zarska, K., Fontaine, P., Horvath, A., Kestemont, P., Mandiki, S.N.M.
Mol Reprod Dev., 87 (9), pp. 934-951.
Zarski, D., Le cam, A., Nynca, J., Klopp, C., Ciesielski, S., Sarosiek, B., Montfort, J., Krol, J., Fontaine, P., Ciereszko, A., Bobe, J.
Revue des Sciences et Techniques de l’Animal de Laboratoire, 48 (-), pp. 32-36.
Teletchea, F.
Reviews in aquaculture, 11 (1), pp. 149-167.
Aubin, J., Callier, M., Rey-Valette, H., Mathé, S., Wilfart, A., Legendre, M., Slembrouck, J., Caruso, D., Chia, E., Masson, G., Blancheton, J., Ediwarman, B., Haryadi, J., Prihadi, T., De Matos Casaca, J., Tamassia, C., Tocqueville, A., Fontaine, P.
Cybium, 43 (3), pp. 217-225.
Ben Khadher, S., Teletchea, F., Agnese, J.-F., Fontaine, P.
Aquaculture Research, 50 (3), pp. 915-924.
Colchen, T., Fontaine, P., Ledore, Y., Teletchea, F., Pasquet, A.
Hydrobiologia, 834 (1), pp. 163-181.
Four, B., Thomas, M., Danger, M., Angeli, N., Perga, M.E., Banas, D.
Scientific Data, 6, 301 (pp. 1-66)
Lecocq, T., Benard, A., Pasquet, A., Nahon, S., Ducret, A., Dupont-marin, K., Lang, I., Thomas, M.
Diversity and Distributions, 25 (7), pp. 1088-1100.
Lecocq, T., Harpke, A., Rasmont, P., Schweiger, O.
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 187 (3), pp. 599-621.
Martinet, B., Lecocq, T., Brasero, N., Gérard, M., Urbanová, K., Valterová, I., Gjershaug, J.O., Michez, D., Rasmont, P.
Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, 28 (3), pp. 137-147.
Mohammadzadeh, S., Yeganeh, S., Moradian, F., Falahatkar b., B., Milla, S.
Aquaculture Reasearch, 50 (7), pp. 1824-1833.
Pasquet, A., Realis, E., Fontaine, P., Teletchea, F.
Plos One, 14 (12), e0226878 (pp. 1-25).
Rocha De Almeida, T., Alix, M., Le cam, A., Klopp, C., Montfort, J., Toomey, L., Ledore, Y., Bobe, J., Chardard, D., Schaerlinger, B., Fontaine, P.
Journal of Animal Science, 97 (6), pp. 2308-2319.
Taussat, S., Saintilan, R., Krauss, D., Maupetit, D., Fouilloux, M.N., Renand, G.
Cybium, 43 (1), pp. 7-15.
Teletchea, F.
Aquaculture International, European Percid Fish Culture 27(5), pp.1177-1191.
Toomey, L., Bláha, M., Mauduit, E., Vanina, T., Baratcabal, M., Ledore, Y., Vesala, S., Fontaine, P., Pasquet, A., Lecocq, T.
Aquaculture International, 27 (4), pp.1055-1064
Vanina, T., Gebauer, R., Toomey, L., Stejskal, V., Drozd, B., Blaha, M., Kouril, J., Lecocq, T.
Aquaculture, 503, (-), pp. 139-145.
Vanina, T., Gebauer, R., Toomey, L., Stejskal, V., Rutegwa, M., Kou?il, J., Bláha, M., Lecocq, T.
Aquaculture, 503, pp. 527-536.
Zarski, D., Fontaine, P., Roche, J., Alix, M., Blecha, M., Broquard, C., Krol, J., Milla, S.
Aquaculture, 512, 734300
Zarski, D., Palinska-Zarska, K., Krejszeff, S., Krol, J., Milla, S., Fontaine, P., Bokor, Z., Urbanyi, B.
Fishes, 4 (1), 21 (pp. 1-13).
Cortay, A., Colchen, T., Fontaine, P., Pasquet, A.
Revue Semestrielle de Droit Animalier – RSDA, - (-), pp. 249-260.
Teletchea, F., Robert, A.
Synthèse du rapport d'ESCo, INRAE-Ifremer (France), 124 pages
Leenhardt, S., Mamy, L., Pesce, S., Sanchez, W., Et al..., , Thomas, M., Tournebize, J.
Lecocq, T., Butruille, G.
Dumont, B., Fortun-lamothe, L., Thomas, M.
“Débuter en aquaponie naturelle”, François Petitet-Gosgnach. Rustica éditions. ISBN : 978-2815314879.
Teletchea, F.
Editions Belin. ISBN : 978-2410017373. 183 p. Réédition
Teletchea, F.
Teletchea, F.
Teletchea, F.
Teletchea, F.
Fontaine, P., Teletchea, F.
Pasquet, A.
Teletchea, F.
Teletchea, F.
2ème conférence USSEC pour la production d'aliments et de poissons, 15-16 mai, Mdiq, Maroc
Fontaine, P.
2ème conférence USSEC pour la production d'aliments et de poissons, 15-16 mai, Mdiq, Maroc
Fontaine, P.
3nd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, 26-30 juillet, Montréal, Canada
Chevalier, C., Praion, M., Lambert, S., Ledore, Y., Lecocq, T., Shahjahan, M.-D., Silvestre, F., Milla, S., Schaerlinger, B.
AQUA2024, 26-30 août, Copenhague, Denmark
Lecocq, T., Aubin, J., Thomas, M.
3nd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, 26-30 juillet, Montréal, Canada
Milla, S., Denis, C., Nedjar, S., Ledore, Y., Silvestre, F., Schaerlinger, B., Chevalier, C.
52° congrès du Groupe Français de Recherches sur les Pesticides, 22-24 mai, Lyon, France
Conseil, G., Milla, S., Cardoso, O., Rosin, C., Pasquini, L., Pierlot, F., Banas, D.
Séminaire de l'Office National de la Biodiversité 'Les étangs piscicoles', 13-14 mars, Lyon, France
Aubin, J., Thomas, M., Lecocq, T., Robin, J., Dupont, C., Tocqueville, A., Laithier, J., Pannard, A., Coudreuse, J., Roucaute, M., Jaeger, C., Wilfart, A., Maillot, M., Corson, M.
SETAC Europe 34rd Annual Meeting - Science-Based Solutions in Times of Crisis: Integrating Science and Policy for Environmental Challenges, 05-09 mai, Séville, Espagne
Conseil, G., Milla, S., Rosin, C., Cardoso, O., Banas, D.
Collogue de la ComAqua - AFSTAL, 18 octobre, Lyon, France
Ledore, Y., Thomas, M.
Séminaire national du Salon des Etangs, 19-21 avril, Parçay-Meslay, France
Thomas, M., Lecocq, T., Dousset, S., Abildtrup, J., Durand, P.
Journée Scientifique École doctorale SIRENA, 05 mars, Visio, France
Viana, J., Evanno, G., Audet, C., Teletchea, F.
World Fisheries Congress, 03-07 mars, Seattle, Etats-unis
Viana, J., Evanno, G., Audet, C., Teletchea, F.
8ème Journée de la Recherche, Filière Piscicole, 02-03 juillet, Rennes, France
Chevalier, C., Praion, M., Ledore, Y., Lecocq, T., Silvestre, F., Schaerlinger, B., Milla, S.
AQUA2024, 26-30 août, Copenhague, Denmark
Lecocq, T., Benard, A., Pétronin, F., Thomas, M.
AQUA2024, 26-30 août, Copenhague, Denmark
Lecocq, T., Chevalier, C., Praion, M., Leclerc, T., Shahjahn, M.-D., Ledore, Y., Silvestre, F., Schaerlinger, B., Milla, S.
AQUA2024, 26-30 août, Copenhague, Denmark
Lévy, S., Thomas, M., Mortillaro, J.-M., Carval, D., Lecocq, T.
100 ans de la Fédération Française d'Aquaculture, 17-18 octobre, Bordeaux, France
Allal, F., Fontaine, P.
Journée scientifique de l'école doctorale SIReNa 2024, 05 mars, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France
Conseil, G., Milla, S., Banas, D.
Assemblée générale d’Etangs de France, 16 juin, Nancy, France
Fontaine, P.
3ème Réunion générale annuelle GEN-FISH, 07-08 décembre, Visio, Canada
Viana, J., Teletchea, F., Audet, C.
European Aquaculture Society EAS, 18-21 septembre, Vienne, Autriche
Al Dakdouki, S., Fontaine, P., Ledore, Y., Nivelle, R., Changey, F.
7ème conference Panafrican Association on Fish and Fisheries, 18-22 septembre, Brazzaville, République du Congo
Amoussou, N., Lecocq, T., Pasquet, A., Thomas, M.
Aquaculture Europe 2023, 19-21 septembre, Vienne, Autriche
Bernath, G., Milla, S., Várkonyi, L., Ledore, Y., Griffitts, J.D., Fontaine, P., Urbányi, B., Bokor, Z.
Aquaculture Europe 2023, Balanced Diversity in Aquaculture Development, 18-21 septembre, Vienne, Autriche
Fontaine, P., Lecocq, T., Thomas, M.
Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, 18-21 septembre, New Castle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Girard, L., Aubin, J., Thomas, M., Lecocq, T., Robin, J., Tocqueville, A., Laithier, J., Pannard, A., Coudreuse, J., Roucaute, M., Jaeger, C., Wilfart, A., Latourre, Q., Maillot, M., Corson, M.
12th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, 15-19 mai, Crete, Greece
Schaerlinger, B., Fontagne-dicharry, S., Gasmi, S., Durante-alami, H., Ledore, Y., Fontaine, P., Nahon, S., Chardard, D.
Aquaculture Europe 2023, Balanced Diversity in Aquaculture Development, 18-21 septembre, Vienne, Autriche
Thomas, M., Amoussou, N., Pasquet, A., Lecocq, T.
2ème Congrès International des Sciences Aquatiques de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, 27 septembre - 01 octobre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Viana, J., Evanno, G., Audet, C., Teletchea, F.
Réunion annuelle de Ressources Aquatiques Québec (RAQ), 06-08 novembre, Québec, Canada
Viana, J., Evanno, G., Audet, C., Teletchea, F.
Séminaire LéCOMICS, 21 décembre, Nancy, France
Al Dakdouki, S., Nivelle, R., Ledore, Y., Changey, F., Fontaine, P.
12th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, 15-19 mai, Heraklion, Crète
Chevalier, C., Silvestre, F., Schaerlinger, B., Milla, S.
SETAC, 30 avril - 04 mai, Dublin, Irlande
Conseil, G., Milla, S., Cardoso, O., Rosin, C., Banas, D.
Aquaculture Europe 2023, Balanced Diversity in Aquaculture Development, 18-21 septembre, Vienne, Autriche
Diakos, E., Fontaine, P., Lecocq, T.
Aquaculture Europe 2023, 18-21 septembre, Vienna, Austria
Diakos, E., Fontaine, P., Lecocq, T.
Aquaculture Europe 2023, Balanced Diversity in Aquaculture Development, 18-21 septembre, Vienne, Autriche
Diakos, E., Pasquet, A., Hardy, A., Chevalier, C., Fontaine, P., Lecocq, T.
Avenir Maritime, 20-22 juin, Québec, Canada
Viana, J., Audet, C., Teletchea, F.
Journée ComAqua, AFSTAL, 18 octobre, Lyon, France
Ledore, Y., Thomas, M.
Séminaire annuel de la Zone Atelier Moselle, 14-15 juin, Vittel, France
Thomas, M., Lecocq, T.
Première rencontre du Réseau des Animaleries du Grand Est, 16 juin, NANCY, France
Thomas, M., Lecocq, T.
Semaine de la Recherche - Plateformes du Pôle A2F, 27 novembre, Nancy, France
Thomas, M., Milla, S.
Séminaire INRAE, Recherche Modèle Poissons, 26-27 janvier, Rennes, France
Thomas, M., Pasquet, A., Lecocq, T.
The Sustainable Animal Production Collaborative Working Group, 18-19 octobre, Bonn, Allemagne
Dumont, B., Aubin, J., Ingrand, S., Martin, G., Niderkorn, V., Puillet, L., Savietto, D., Steinmetz, L., Thomas, M.
Assises France-Québec de la mer, 13-14 juin, Nantes, France
Viana, J., Audet, C., Teletchea, F.
Aquaculture Europe, 27-30 septembre, Rimini, Italie
Aubin, J., Thomas, M., Lecocq, T., Robin, J., Dupont, C., Tocqueville, A., Laithier, J., Pannard, A., Coudreuse, J., Roucaute, M., Jaeger, C., Wilfart, A., Maillot, M., Corson, M.S.
8th international workshop on the biology of fish gametes. Gametes workshop., 20-23 septembre, Gdansk, Pologne
Ljubobratovic, U., Kitanovic, N., Milla, S., Marinovic, Z., Fazekas, G., Stanivuk, J., Zarski, D., Horvath, A.
5th International Percid Fish Symposium - Percis V, 18-23 septembre, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
Senff, P., Fourrier, C., Abd Al Rahim, S., Gerard, E., Milla, S., Nivelle, R., Fontaine, P.
Aquaculture Europe 2022, 27-30 septembre, Rimini, Italy
Senff, P., Gerard, E., Polowczyk, O., Piga, V., Grosjean, J., Robin, C., Fontaine, P.
51ème colloque de la SFECA, 31 mai - 02 juin, Clermont Ferrand, France
Brunet, V., Kleiber, A., Moreau, E., Fournel, C., Pineau, L., Calvez, S., Milla, S., Colson, V.
7èmes journées de la Recherche Française Piscicole, 05-06 juillet, Paris, France
Brunet, V., Kleiber, A., Patinote, A., Sudan, P.L., Duret, C., Gourmelen, G., Moreau, M., Fournel, C., Pineau, L., Calvez, S., Milla, S., Tocqueville, A., Colson, V.
7èmes Journées de la Recherche Piscicole, 05-06 juillet, Paris, France
Fourrier, C., Changey, F., Mathieu, L., Robin, C., Levillain, A., Charpentier, N., Fontaine, P.
7èmes Journées de la Recherche Piscicole, 05-06 juillet, Paris, France
Senff, P., Gerard, E., Robin, C., Fourrier, C., Larbat, R., Abd Al Rahim, S., Piga, V., Polowczyk, O., Fontaine, P.
7èmes Journées de la Recherche de la Filière Piscicole, 05-06 juillet, Paris, France
5th International Percid Fish Symposium - Percis V, 18-23 septembre, Ceske Budejovice, République Tchèque
Fourrier, C., Senff, P., Changey, F., Mathieu, L., Abs al rahim, S., Ledore, Y., Milla, S., Charpentier, N., Fontaine, P.
7èmes Journées de la Recherche de la Filière Piscicole, 05-06 juillet, Paris, France
Jaeger, C., Roucaute, M., Wilfart, A., Latourre, Q., Maillot, M., Corson, M., Gallard, A., Joseph, B., Bennevault, Y., Coké, M., Azam, D., Thomas, M., Lecocq, T., Robin, J., Toqueville, A., Laithier, J., Pannard, J., Coudreuse, J., Aubin, J.
8e Rencontre Ichtyologique de France (RIF), 14-18 mars, Paris, France
Viana, J., Briand, E., Audet, C., Teletchea, F.
7èmes Journées de la Recherche de la Filière Piscicole, 05-06 juillet, Paris, France
Aubin, J., Thomas, M., Lecocq, T., Robin, J., Tocqueville, A., Laithier, J., Pannard, A., Coudreuse, J., Roucaute, M., Jaeger, C., Wilfart, A., Latourre, Q., Maillot, M., Corson, M.
Aquaculture Europe 2022, 27-30 septembre, Rimini, Italie
Colson, V., Brunet, V., Kleiber, A., Patinote, A., Sudan, P.L., Duret, C., Gourmelen, G., Moreau, E., Fournel, C., Pineau, L., Calvez, S., Milla, S.
Colloque annuel de la Société d’Ecotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée, 30 juin - 01 juillet, Metz, France
Expertise collective de 47 chercheurs,
Journées scientifiques de la Zone Atelier Moselle (ZAM, CNRS) - édition 2022, 08-09 juin, Gérardmer, France
Conseil, G., Milla, S., Banas, D.
Aquaculture Europe 2021, 05-08 octobre, Madère, Portugal
Amoussou, N., Lecocq, T., Pasquet, A., Thomas, M.
FishBase SeaLifeBase Symposium, 30 years of FishBase – 15 years of FishBase, 06 septembre - 07 septembre, Paris, France
Chardard, D., Willig, C., Bailly, N., Atanacio, R., Fordoxcel, L., Delaunay, S., Gerard, P.-A., Teletchea, F.
1st Franco-Canadian of Aquatic Sciences, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, 30 septembre - 03 octobre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Detcheverry, E., Lemallier, E., Teletchea, F.
1st Franco-Canadian of Aquatic Sciences, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, 30 septembre - 03 octobre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Durand, E., Gustave, E., Vasconcelos, R., Perrin, L., Drogue, G., Teletchea, F.
Colloque Aquaculture Europe 2021, 04-07 octobre, Madeira, Portugal
El Mohajer, L., Chevalier, C., Fontaine, P., Milla, S.
Franco-Canadian Congress of Aquatic Sciences, 30 septembre - 03 octobre, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, France
Fontaine, P.
Aquaculture Europe 2021, 05-08 octobre, Madère, Portugal
Lecocq, T., Toomey, L., Fontaine, P.
1st Franco-Canadian of Aquatic Sciences, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, 30 septembre - 03 octobre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Lecointre, G., Schnell, N., Teletchea, F.
Aquaculture Europe 2021, 05-08 octobre, Madère, Portugal
Senff, P., Polowczyk, O., Grosjean, J., Milla, S., Robin, C., Fontaine, P.
1st Franco-Canadian of Aquatic Sciences, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, 30 septembre - 03 octobre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Teletchea, F.
1st Franco-Canadian of Aquatic Sciences, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, 30 septembre - 03 octobre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Teletchea, F.
FishBase SeaLifeBase Symposium, 30 years of FishBase – 15 years of FishBase, 06-07 septembre, Paris, France
Teletchea, F., Union des conservateurs d'aquariums, Barthelemy, D.
1st Franco-Canadian of Aquatic Sciences, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, 30 septembre - 03 octobre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Teletchea, S., Venturelli, P., Teletchea, F.
1st Franco-Canadian of Aquatic Sciences, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, 30 septembre - 03 octobre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Viana, J., Briand, E., Gustave, E., Perrin, L., Vasconcelos, R., Audet, C., Teletchea, F.
1er Congrès International des Sciences Aquatiques de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, 30 septembre - 05 juin, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Viana, J., Briand, E., Perrin, L., Gustave, E., Audet, C., Teletchea, F.
1st Franco-Canadian of Aquatic Sciences, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, 14-17 juin, Québec, Canada
Detcheverry, E., Lemallier, E., Teletchea, F.
Réunion annuelle de Ressources Aquatiques Québec (RAQ), 23 novembre - 24 octobre, Québec, Canada
Viana, J.
Premier salon de l’aquaponie, 09-10 octobre, Louverné, France
Teletchea, F.
Francoforum, 15 février, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
Teletchea, F.
Internal Meeting at the Fisheries Institute, 18 février, Saint-John's (NFLD), Canada
Teletchea, F.
Aquaexcel Training Course: Laboratory Animal Science for Aquatic Research Facilities, 19-20 juin, Bergen, Norway
Milla, S.
Conférence économique. Entreprendre à Saint-Pierre à Miquelon : de nouvelles perspectives de développement., 04 octobre, Issy-Les-Moulineaux, France
Teletchea, F.
Réunion Scientifique de l’équipe Homologie du MNHN, 29-30 janvier, Concarneau, France
Teletchea, F.
17th FishBase Symposium, 09 septembre - 10 septembre, Perth, Australie
Teletchea, F., Barthélémy, D.
3th international conference on fish and shellfish immunology, 16-20 juin, Las Palmas, Spain
Baekelandt, S., Milla, S., Cornet, V., Flamion, E., Ledore, Y., Redivo, B., Antipine, S., Mandiki, S.N.M., El Kertaoui, N., Schmitz, M., Kestemont, P.
3rd Summer Shoal 2019 on Fish Ethology & Welfare, 10 septembre - 13 novembre, Algarve, Portugal
Colchen, T., Teletchea, F., Ysnel, F., Carpentier, A., Trancart, T., Feunteun, E., Fontaine, P., Pasquet, A.
EAS Aquaculture Europe, 07-10 octobre, Berlin, Allemagne
El Mohajer, L., Selmi, S., Fontaine, P., Milla, S.
43rd larval fish conference, 21-24 juin, Mallorca, Espagne
Teletchea, F., Schnell, N., Lecointre, G.
European Aquaculture, 07-11 octobre, Berlin, Allemagne
Thomas, M., Pasquet, A., Ledore, Y., Schaeffer, L., Nahon, S., Aubin, J., Jaeger, C., Wilfart, A., Benard, A., Lecocq, T.
XVI European Congress of Ichthyology, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2 Sep - 6 Sep
Toomey, L., Fontaine, P., Lecocq, T.
9th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society, 08-12 janvier, Malaga, Espagne
Toomey, L., Pasquet, A., Teletchea, F., Fontaine, P., Lecocq, T.
Aquaculture Europe 2019, 07-10 octobre, Berlin, Allemagne
Zarski, D., Bernath, G., Ben Ammar, I., Mandiki, S.N.M., Baekelandt, S., Bokor, Z., Fontaine, P., Horvath, A., Kestemont, P.
Aquaculture Europe 2019, 07-10 octobre, Berlin, Allemagne
Zarski, D., Le Cam, A., Nynca, J., Klopp, C., Montfort, J., Fontaine, P., Ciereszko, A., Bobe, J.
7th International workshop of the biology of fish gametes, 02-06 septembre, Rennes, France
Zarski, D., Nynca, J., Le Cam, A., Klopp, C., Montfort, J., Fontaine, P., Ciereszko, A., Bobe, J.
Séminaire Défis Scientifiques du Département Physiologie Animale et Système d’Elevage, INRA, 06-07 novembre, Rennes, France
Dumont, B., Aubin, J., Ingrand, S., Martin, G., Niderkorn, V., Puillet, L., Savietto, D., Steinmetz, L., Thomas, M.
6èmes Journées de la Recherche Piscicole, 02-03 juillet, Paris, France
Fontaine, P., Krauss, D., Ledore, Y., Colchen, T., Pasquet, A.
Séminaire de la Société Française d’Ichtyologie, 28-29 mai, Nancy, France
Milla, S.
7. International Workshop on the Biology of Fish Gametes, 02-06 septembre, Rennes, France
Rocha De Almeida, T., Bobe, J., Le Cam, A., Klopp, C., Montfort, J., Fontaine, P., Chardard, D., Schaerlinger, B.
Séminaire de la Société Française d’Ichtyologie, 28-29 mai, Nancy, France
Thomas, M., Lecocq, T., Ledore, Y., Nahon, S., Benard, A., Pasquet, A.
Journée de la Société Française d’Icthyologie, 28-29 mai, Nancy, France
Aubert, M., Chancerelle, G., Dauphin, L., Enguehard, V., Girot, F., Hachet, F., Husson, A., Lemallier, E., Martins, A., Rech, G., Vigouroux, E., Teletchea, F., Winkelmann, A.
Journée de la Société Française d’Icthyologie, 28-29 mai, Nancy, France
Rech, G., Teletchea, F., Vigouroux, E.
Séminaire Défis Scientifiques, Département Physiologie Animale et Système d’Elevage, INRA, 06-07 novembre, Rennes, France
Toomey, L., Aubin, J., Benard, A., Fontaine, P., Jaeger, C., Lecocq, T., Ledore, Y., Nahon, S., Pasquet, A., Puillet, L., Thomas, M., Wilfart, A.
Lions club Stanislas Doyen de Nancy, 21 octobre, Nancy, France
Krauss, D.
Séminaire Agrovalor, 29 novembre -, Nancy, France
Krauss, D., Milla, S., Fontaine, P.
Rencontre URAFPA-FIPERJ (Fondation Institut des Pêches de Rio de Janeiro), 02 juillet, Nancy, France
Milla, S.
Formation Maître d'expérience, 04 avril, Namur, Belgique
Milla, S.
Conférences et table-ronde Auditorium du Pôle Média-Culture, 16 mai, Colmar, France
Teletchea, F.
Nancy Jardin Botanique, 20 juin, Nancy, France
Teletchea, F.
Nancy Jardin Botanique, 13 juin, Nancy, France
Teletchea, F.
Séminaire interne à l’équipe Domestication en aquaculture continentale, 11 janvier, Nancy, France
Teletchea, F.
Internal Meeting at the Fisheries Institute, 18 octobre, Saint-John's (NFLD), Canada
Teletchea, F.
Centre Culturel de Saint-Pierre, 12 avril, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
Teletchea, F.
Séminaire interlaboratoires Université de Lorraine, 29 mai, Nancy, France
Thomas, M., Lecocq, T., Ledore, Y., Pasquet, A., Fontaine, P.
Séminaire SIReNa - Science et Territoire : vers une nouvelle économie, 07 février, Nancy, France
Toomey, L., Lecocq, T., Fontaine P.
Eler amorim dias, G., Ledore, Y., Gasmi, S., Pasquet, A., Fontaine, P.
Contrat SARL Rafidin
Ledore, Y., Milla, S., Fontaine, P.
Séminaire Agrovalor « Résilience des Systèmes de Production », 9 décembre, Nancy, France
Fontaine, P.
Fontaine, P.
Fontaine, P.
Fontaine, P.
Fontaine, P.
Lecocq, T., Pasquet, A., Bernard, A., Thomas, M.
Hardy, A.; Pasquet. A.; Diakos, E., Lecocq, T.
Praion, M.
Amoussou, N., Lecocq, T., Thomas, M.
El Mohajer, L.
Bled, A., Pasquet, A., Lecocq, T.
Hardy, A., Lecocq, T., Pasquet, A., Thomas, M.
Butruille, G., Thomas, M., Lecocq, T.
Chevalier, C.
El manfaloti, M.A., Thomas, M., Pasquet, A., Lecocq, T.
Toomey, L., Fontaine, P., Lecocq, T.
Bulteau, R.
Gouret, M., Toomey, L., Pasquet, A., Lecocq, T.
Reynaud, J-G., Lecocq, T., Pasquet, A., Thomas, M.
Schaeffer, L., Lecocq, T., Pasquet, A., Thomas, M.
Speder, K., Toomey, L., Lecocq, T.